Sohba Academy

No road is long with good companions

Certified Tutors

Select number of qualified certified tutors in teaching Qur’an, Islamic studies and Arabic language.

Unique Curriculum

Unique curriculum based on reciting Qur’an and applying its verses through studying Allah’s book, in addition to gradual and systematic curriculum in Islamic and Arabic sciences.

Free Trial

Free trial class in which student gets to know the teacher and class interesting activities.

Support Team

24/7 support team to answer your questions and inquiries, to book classes at any time convenient for you.

Payment Methods

Various and affordable payment methods with the possibility of refunding your money if you wish to stop the classes during the first week.

High Quality

Periodic and regular evaluations for students and teachers, and observing the teaching process on a timely basis to ensure that classes are done according to the highest quality standards.

Our Courses

Our objective is to teach Quran & Tafsir, Islamic Studies and Arabic language. Believing in the Book of Allah, we strive in SoحBA Academy to teach Allah’s words in both recitation and application, through the curriculum designated by an elite group of professional teachers

Expert Tutors and Innovative Teaching

SoحBA Academy

In SoحBA Academy “Companions of the Quran”, tutors are selected according to the highest standards of education. Because we believe that a student’s level improvement depends mainly on the quality of a tutor, we require that any tutor should be experienced in his major (Quran, Islamic Studies or Arabic language). We also take into account a tutor’s ability to use the means of distance education and modern education tools to achieve a useful and enjoyable educational experience. Before starting your course, we should introduce a tutor for you to know more about his/her experience.